Cornish Area Businesses (CAB) sponsors this charming, all ages, family-friendly event each year in Historic Cornish Village located in the scenic Western mountain and lakes region of Maine on Route 25 — 30 miles West of Portland and 9 miles East of the New Hampshire border.

Show your support
by donating to the Strawberry Festival. With a suggested minimum donation of $5, you can help to keep our great festivals growing.
CAB festivals are organized and run by CAB volunteers and funded by the organization and sponsorships.
2020 Event Canceled
Each year this event features:
Over 40+/- vendors offering art, photography, jewelry, crafts, and farm produce
- Strawberry Shortcake & Fresh Strawberries by the pint
Local live music performances
Local food vendors
Shopping at many local shops
and a few surprises!
Cornish Area Businesses (CAB) sponsors the Annual Cornish Strawberry Festival on the last Saturday in June at historic Cornish Village located in the scenic Western mountain and lakes region of Maine on Route 25 — 30 miles West of Portland and 9 miles East of the New Hampshire border.
Strawberry Festival visitors can also enjoy shopping in the many antique and crafts stores that line the Main, High and Maple streets of Cornish. Shopping is also available at nearby towns of Limerick, South Hiram, Porter, and Parsonsfield.
Come early and stay awhile! The Cornish area provides several options for overnight stays and activities to choose from. See Dining & Lodging listings on this Web site.
Admission to the Strawberry Festival is FREE.
The festival is outside and will take place in rain or shine. The Cornish Apple Festival is an annual event sponsored by the Cornish Area Businesses (CAB), a non-profit organization of Cornish area business owners who volunteer their time to promote general business and community welfare in the Cornish area.
For more information:
Contact Bev Russell, co-owner Sacopee Veterinary Clinic,
Cornish Strawberry Festival Chair
(706) 714-5113 or email
Thank you for joining us!
The 2018 festival resulted in a donation of $500.00 to the Sacopee Rescue. The profits from the 2019 Festival are designated to support C.A.B. community events that are held throughout the year.
2018 sponsors:
*Activities, vendors and event times may change without notice.