If you attended the Strawberry Festival this year, then you already have an idea of how great it turned out!

I would like to thank Beverly Russel of Sacopee Vet Clinic for working so hard to make sure the event was successful. GREAT JOB, BEV!
Not only did we fill every vendor space - and had a waiting list. We were one of the ONLY Strawberry Festivals that weekend with fresh, Maine strawberries for sale! The Waterboro Reporter will be publishing an article about the Festival in tomorrow's paper, and CAB member Sacopee Valley Community News also posted an article this morning. Read More
A few highlights to note:
CAB sold out of strawberries by 12:30. An hour earlier than last year
We utilized a new mobile payment processor which allowed us to take debit/credit cards for berries, raffle tickets, buttons, etc.
Over 100 cotton candy cones soldAll vendor spaces were full, with a waiting list of vendors hoping for a last minute spot
Slightly revised layout of vendors allowed for smoother crowd flow
The music was sponsored by Dr. Jeff and Sacopee Vet Clinic. This is one of our larger expenses for the festival, and CAB appreciates it!
Special thanks to Diann Perkins for allowing our volunteers to park on her land, and also for seizing the opportunity to promote our festival in Tourist & Town, THANK YOU!
Festival buttons were a hit - make sure to get your Apple Fest button before they sell out!
CAB made over $2400 in profit which will be used for our upcoming festivals, as well as used for other CAB donations.

I want to hear from you!
The membership committee has been working on new memberships as well as talking to past members. I am glad to be receiving feedback and suggestions. CAB has been growing quickly and with growth comes change. My goal is to take all of your feedback into account and work with the board to make changes that reflect the needs of our members and the business community. Please feel free to reach out to me with your feedback. Your name will be kept confidential upon request.
You are welcome to email cristinaforsyth@gmail.com, or call me 207-370-5038.
The next CAB sponsored event is the Cornish Apple Festival, which will take place on September 28, 2019. Those interested in volunteering or vending should contact Heather or David Newman, Apple Festival Chair, cornishareabusinesses@gmail.com.
Please note: there will be two parking areas with free shuttle service for this year's Apple Festival, in an effort to alleviate some of the traffic congestion.
Thanks again for supporting our community!
Cristina Forsyth
Cornish Area Businesses formerly Cornish Association of Businesse