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Meeting Agenda 10/8/19 - *Officer & board elections will be occurring at the 11/12/19 meeting

Writer: Cristina ForsythCristina Forsyth

I. Opening Statement

II. Reminder: Officer and board elections will be occurring at the NOVEMBER 12, 2019 meeting

III. Secretary Report – Heather Newman

               a. Review and approve September 10, 2019 meeting minutes

IV. Treasurer Report – Beverly Russell                a. Review and approve the financial report

V. Event/Committee Chair Reports                a. Apple Festival – Heather and David Newman (The Local Gear 625-9400)                           1. Report                          2. Discuss moving forward

                b. Christmas in Cornish – Candace Gooch At Once All Agog 625-3322                          1. Polar Express                          2. Decorating Thompson Park

                 c. Membership Committee – Cristina Forsyth (Bustle & Grow 370-5038), Beverly Russell (Sacopee Veterinary Clinic 706-714-5113), Teresa Drown (Bangor Savings 625-0950)                           1. Report

                   d. Marketing & Social Media Committee – Cristina Forsyth (Bustle & Grow 370-5038), Heather Newman (The Local Gear 625-9400)                            1. Report

VI. Open Discussion

VII. Networking

VIII. Next meeting – November 12, 2019 at 6:00pm at the Cornish UCC

IX. Adjourn


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