Apple Festival - Sept. 28, 2019 - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Can you believe this will be our 30th Apple Festival? We are so excited about this year's event. Heather and David Newman of The Local Gear have stepped up to chair this year's Apple Festival. There is a lot of work that goes into putting on this event, and as many of you know (and too many do not) this event is 100% volunteer-run. We will have a second shuttle located on the other side of the village area so that traffic coming from the Portland area can park before they reach downtown, and also someone to direct people crossing the street. These are new tasks, which means that we need even more volunteers.
Currently, we need volunteers for:
Friday afternoon to set up
Saturday morning before the festival
Saturday during the festival to work at the CAB booth, the parking lot of our second shuttle, and more.
Cleanup after the festival
Even just an hour of your time is very much appreciated!
Please email cornishareabusinesses@gmail.com for more info.
9/10/19 Yes, tomorrow. Apple Fest and new voting schedule
10/8/19 Recap of Apple Fest & Upcoming Christmas in Cornish
11/12/19 Christmas in Cornish, end of year housekeeping items
New for 2019
Show your support by making a donation toward the Apple Festival and receive this sweet button. Suggested donation $5.
Get yours now!
If you would like to have buttons delivered to your business, simply reply to this email. Keep an eye on your inbox this Friday for our new CAB Quarterly email. There is still time to send in your upcoming events!
Not sure if you are seeing all of CAB's emails? Make sure to add cornishareabusinesses@gmail.com to your contact list.
Hope to see you tomorrow, we have a lot to discuss and I really do value your feedback and ideas!
Thanks again for being part of CAB, Cristina