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Writer's pictureCristina Forsyth

2019 Board of Directors Meeting Agenda and Minutes


1. Call meeting together. Establish a quorum.

2. Topics of Discussion:

A. Website

B. Membership Drive

C. Registered Agent for the Corporation

D. Other discussion points?

3. 2019 Budget Considerations

4. Next Regular meeting: February 12, 2019 at 6:00 pm at UCC

5. Open Discussion

6. Adjourn meeting

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

January 29, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:39pm

Present for the meeting: John DuBois - Sacopee Valley Eye Care – Board Chair, Terry Belair – Terry’s Uniques – Board Member, Cristina Forsyth – Bustle and Grow – CAB Vice-President, Beverly Russell – CAB Treasurer, Heather Newman – The Local Gear – CAB Clerk and Board Member, Gloria Bougie – Kezar Falls Storage – CAB Member

A quorum was established.

Website: Cristina has recommended creating a new website as the current site is an older site that was revised a couple of years ago, has problems with spam, and is time consuming to maintain. A new site will allow more accurate analytics, be easier to navigate, be better for member use and posting, and will be able to track and email members about annual membership renewals.

Beverly made a motion for Cristina to develop and present new site options to submit for approval before implementing any changes. Terry seconded the motion. Vote to approve was unanimous.

Membership Drive: CAB needs at least 70 members to meet the current budget, Beverly has proposed a goal of 90-100 businesses for 2019. There are several new and older businesses (in Cornish and the surrounding areas) who are not currently CAB members. In 2000, the BOD changed the sign-up date for memberships to January 17thof each year, it was recommended the BOD change the renewal to the date a business registers with CAB. The new website will have a system to email businesses with reminders when their anniversary date comes up. If a business wishes to be included in the current year’s brochure, they need to renew or sign up by the brochure deadline. If they sign up after this date, the business will be included in the following year’s brochure. Businesses will be listed on the website no matter what time of year they join or renew.

Beverly made a motion to change the annual date of membership to the day a business joins CAB. Cristina seconded the motion. Vote to approve was unanimous.

Registered Agent: CAB has had the same registered agent since it was established. A registered agent must be a CAB member as they are the contact person for any legal issues, we are currently out of compliance. There was discussion about hiring a registered agent for an annual fee or paying a $15 fee when the agent changes. It was determined that assigning the registered agent duties as part of the role of the Board Chair and paying a fee when a new member is elected to the position would be the most practical solution.

Cristina made a motion to make the Board Chair the registered agent. Terry seconded the motion. Vote to approve was unanimous.

Other Discussion Points: The original filing forms for non-profit status with the IRS are not in the CAB paperwork. This form contains the wording for how the non-profit is structured, which is needed to ensure CAB remains in compliance with its non-profit status. Beverly will contact the IRS to obtain a copy of the original filing.

There was a discussion about changing the name of CAB to Cornish Area Businesses in order to preserve the recognition of the current logo, but also emphasize the greater business community in the area.

Cristina made a motion to change the name after checking with CAB President Patrick Harrigan. Terry seconded the motion. Vote to approve was unanimous.

Budget Discussion: Beverly recommended breaking down expenses in budget categories moving forward. Cristina requested additional funds to expand online marketing opportunities. There was a discussion about who is responsible for the maintenance of the bathrooms with a proposal to meet with the town in order to come to an agreement, in writing, about who is responsible for general maintenance. There is currently no clear agreement. The final budget will be presented at the February CAB meeting.

Cristina made the motion to accept the amended budget and revisit it after the second quarter. Terry seconded the motion. Vote to approve was unanimous.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Newman

CAB Clerk

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