About CAB
CAB takes an active role in ensuring that area growth is manageable and in the best interest of the residents and the business community.
Back in 1990, a group of Cornish business owners decided to meet and work together to create an organization to benefit the town’s business and private sectors. A non-profit organization was established and named the Cornish Association of Businesses (CAB). The purpose of this corporation is to promote the general business and community welfare in the town of Cornish, and the surrounding Sacopee Valley area, and act as a business league within the meaning of 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, its amendments and future provisions.
Since its birth, CAB has donated thousands of dollars to aid local, civic organizations and to benefit deserving, town students with post-secondary school scholarships. It also gave birth to one of the town’s largest annual events, the Cornish Apple Festival, which takes place on the last Saturday in September of each year.
Working with the town of Cornish selectmen and community volunteers, CAB members were instrumental in drafting the town’s comprehensive plan, its sign ordinance, and other major projects related to the growth and revitalization of Cornish. CAB volunteers also maintain the public restrooms in the village, organize several community events and festivals, offer a yearly scholarship, paint the crosswalks, and more.
In 2019 after recognizing the growth of the local business community, and in response to requests by local businesses and members, the board of directors voted to change the name slightly to be more inclusive of neighboring towns, with businesses that impact the Cornish community. The new name is now Cornish Area Businesses. The group's mission still remains as one that encourages local economic and community enrichment and growth for Cornish and the surrounding area.
- Membership -
With a very modest annual fee of $75.00†, any person who owns, operates, manages or conducts business in the Town of Cornish, County of York in the State of Maine, or any person whose business has an impact on the Cornish community, may join CAB.

Member Benefits
Online business directory listing on the Cornish website (2 categories per listing).
Addition category & business listings are available for $20.00†
New Membership includes 1 CAB decal promoting your membership.
Join before January 30, and your membership will include 1 business listing in the annual CAB printed collateral which is distributed at the Maine Tourism Center locations in Fryeburg and Kittery, as well as placed at local businesses and the CAB Kiosk in Thompson Park. Copies of the collateral are available to any CAB member upon request.
Take advantage of membership discounts offered by CAB members.
Keep abreast of changes occurring in Cornish and neighboring businesses and towns.
Be part of an organization that reaches out to the local community and is making a difference.
Make your ideas, thoughts and concerns heard during our monthly meetings.
Become part of a valuable local business network that encourages members to utilize each other’s services.
Influence the growth of the association.
Share your talents by volunteering on a committee(s) of your choice.
Make new friends while marketing your business.
Help your local economy grow.
Be a part of making and keeping Sacopee Valley the beautiful treasure that it is.
*You need to be a member to be counted as part of the forum and to vote.
†Membership cost description: One owner will constitute one membership. The fee $75.00 is the current annual membership fee. If the owner has more than one business and/or wants to be listed in more than two categories on the Web site and brochure, the owner would pay $20.00 for each additional listing. A convenience fee applies to payments made online to offset our credit card processing fees.