As an artist, I have enjoyed painting over the years. like many artists, I use a blank canvas. but there are a few different objects I've gotten to paint over time, some personal things that others have gotten the idea for me to bring new life to. I give thanks to these people with the idea to ask me because it brings new excitement and experience to grow.
and so I'd like to talk about a few different experiences I've had and what I would like to do going forward.
carol my boss at stone mountain arts center asked me to paint these old church benches she had. During the beginning of the pandemic, they were remodeling the Quissi barn to have their own separate bays.
Long story short I ended up painting treehouses on the benches. There was a summer treehouse bench and a winter one. The bench seats were painted a lighter teal color to pop it out more and it also matched with some trim of the windows in the barn.
It was fun painting these benches and some of the new things I had to consider while doing it. It especially brought joy to create during some of the depressing times I was going through during the pandemic.
Carol said they made her smile whenever she walked into the barn and I love that.

I painted my grandmother's old dresser, you know that old dark wood color into a distressed much lighter looking one. I must say it makes the room brighten up more. It also brings out the carved design much better.

A friend of mine found this lion lamp and asked me if I could repaint it. I haven't even started painting it yet because of all the chipping of old paint I wanted to desperately get off first. but just look at this thing. I'll be getting to it real soon!

my mom has brought this up a few times. she wants me to do something like this on her stairs. They are those amazing murals that flow into the stairs and some of them look so real. It's almost like you could walk straight into that scene. I have seen these amazing pictures around before and am dying to do this.
check them out here
Does anyone remember when they were a kid and they wanted their bedroom to be the coolest looking ever? IDK maybe that's just me but really that's the only thing you have to yourself at that age.
and some of us had to share!
Anyway, as a child, I always wanted cool things on the walls of my bedroom. All the cute decor and having it the way I saw it in a magazine. I just didn't have the funds or skills for those things at that age.
Now I love how murals have come into my life and how I can create a bit of that coolness for kids.
The more murals I do, the more I think about how I can bring more fun and possibilities to other businesses.
If my murals or artwork can help attract attention to other restaurants, that's gonna be a win-win. I absolutely enjoy helping. Maybe there is this wild wall that everyone will talk about when they sit in front of it. They will want to take pictures in front of it, it will help them remember that place even more. Or it could be for pure enjoyment and to bring the place more personality.
I always think of the scene from sister act two when the kids find that old beat-up building and spray paint this awesome musical scene. It made it unique and everyone did better there.
In conclusion that's what I wish to do for businesses and individuals.
I wanna be where it's at and work with people