I had no idea how this night would turn out or how many people might show up. I was prepared either way. I had original paintings there, some new paint pours, some old stuff and I printed many prints.
I spent some time creating stories for my paintings, which I have never really shared or taken the time to write up. I'm glad I did and people seemed to enjoy them, which was great feedback.
I guess as an artist, most of us think that how we created a painting or why isn't that important. We think the finished product is the most pleasing and essential aspect. But I have learned that isn't true. Your story does matter and it's a part of the whole creation process and who you are as an individual. It connects people to you on a deeper level. They get to have a sense of who you really are.
It also taught me that most of my art is inspired by memories or some emotion or challenge I was going through at the time. Even if it wasn't a good time, I have always used art as a way to show something positive and more meaningful.
I am so thankful to my mom who came to help me set up everything during the day. She was amazing and I just love having her around. Thanks to Jeff for hanging all my stuff and Carol for all her advice and hard work as well.
The barn filled up fast with people and it turned out great. Most of my sales came from reprints of the art that I make at home. I was very happy about that.
Just before the doors opened, I took a video walkthrough.
My favorite video was the one my sister took downstairs in the Greenroom of the murals I created. I just love that song from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory. It's a TikTok video and it looks great to see people looking around.
I have never been more tired when I finally hit my bed that evening. I don't normally talk that much but it comes pretty easy to me when it's about my art. But still, I did my very best to speak with everyone who came through that door for me.
I felt like a celebrity for the night. Can't wait to do it again one day. :)